Hi Sheila, what induction should I provide for other team members such as domestic staff? Is this the same as the induction provided for care staff?
Dear A,
Thank you for your question.
Other members of your staff such as domestic staff, kitchen staff or office staff will need to receive induction training in exactly the same way as care staff do, this is particularly true for fire prevention training.
Some standards of the Care Certificate may well be of relevance to all your staff such as confidentiality and safeguarding. You should decide which standards could be delivered.
Then there will be specific training depending on the job description.
For instance I would have thought that your staff working in the kitchen would need to undertake the Food Hygiene Certificate and domestic staff should receive training relating to the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) if they are using poisonous cleaning fluids such as bleach and disinfectant.
I hope that this is helpful. Please come back to me if I can offer any further advice.
Best wishes.