Hi Sheila, I am a nurse with over 17 years Adult Nursing Experience. My friend and I are planning to start a day centre in Scotland. Can you give some advice on registering the service, licences and other things that a legal business should have.
Dear T,
Thank you for your question.
I asked Senga Currie, QCS’s Head of Care Development (Scotland) for advice and she pointed me towards the place where you will find all the information about the registration of care services in Scotland on the Care Inspectorate website.
I quickly found a really helpful document on the website on registration and on page 7 of the document day care centres are referred to. The document can be found here.
Senga went on to say that the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) will furnish you with all the information you may need to understand the qualifications you would be expected to have or obtain and what is expected of the staff you would employ.
I hope this is helpful.
Best wishes.