Hi Sheila, what qualifications do you need to be a responsible individual whilst registering a domiciliary care business?
Dear P,
Thank you for your question.
The Care Quality Commission says that a Nominated Individual should:
- Be of good character.
- Be able to properly perform tasks that are intrinsic to their role.
- Have the necessary qualifications, competence, skills and experience to supervise the management of the regulated activity.
- Have supplied CQC with documents that confirm their suitability.
The qualifications required could include actual qualifications relating to either adult social care or a related profession such as nursing or a business qualification. Alternatively the person could have experience in working in a similar service.
The Nominated Individual must have knowledge of the legislation in order to be able to provide scrutiny as well as support to the Registered Manager.
In my opinion it is important that the person understands and is able to scrutinise and offer advice on all matters relating to audit and the notification system. The person should also be able to speak to staff and service users if they want to as well as The Registered Manager.
I believe that the Nominated Individual should visit the home at least once a month and formally record the visit.
The relationship between the Registered Manager is an important one and should be taken seriously on all sides.
The nominated individual will also report to the Board of Directors as and when required to.
Best wishes.