Hi Sheila, I had a interview for a care worker job in a nursing home. At the interview I informed them that I suffer with raynards. Due to this causing really bad circulation in the winter or cold environments. I have to wrap up especially my arms. I was informed that due to CQC regulations, I’m not allowed to cover my arms due to cross infection. Can you please advice me on this. Kind regards Nia
Thank you for your question which does raise an interesting question.
The first thing I want to say is that nursing homes and care homes are kept much warmer than most houses due to the frailty and age of many of the service users.
There are two important documents issued by the Department of Health which support the legal requirements placed on Nursing Homes and Care Homes:
- The Health and Social Care Act 2008: code of practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance
- The law states that the code must be taken into account by the Care Quality Commission when it makes decisions about registration and that providers must have regard to the code when deciding how they will meet the regulations.
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-health-and-social-care-act-2008-code-of-practice-on-the-prevention-and-control-of-infections-and-related-guidance
- There is also a resource for care home staff to help to protect both staff and service users.
What a provider should do is to undertake a risk assessment to decide whether or not the circumstances that you describe constitute a risk to the service users or to yourself..
Best wishes.