Sheila Scott's Posts & Answers

What is the timeline I should follow to start a Domiciliary Care company? Courses, insurance, staffing, etc.

Answered by Sheila Scott

Who should highlight changes requiring amendments to a service user’s manual handling care plan?

Answered by Sheila Scott

Is experience in social care mandatory for a nominated individual?

Answered by Sheila Scott

If staff notices upon the start of their shift that not all medication from the previous shift has been given, what should they do?

Answered by Sheila Scott

Is it a risk to share flannels between residents during a pandemic?

Answered by Sheila Scott

Should we tell residents if one of their fellow residents tests positive for COVID?

Answered by Sheila Scott

What are the rules regarding isolation for a care worker who has been exposed to someone who is COVID positive?

Answered by Sheila Scott