Karen Thornton | QCS

Karen Thornton

Karen (Likes to be called Kaz) is a Team Leader at Hengoed Park and she goes above and beyond for the residents from helping them with day to day takes like making a cup of tea and meal times to making sure they are helped with their personal care and they have laundry she also does the residents medication throughout the day when Kaz is not on shift many of the residents to do ask where she is and can’t wait for her to be next.  Kaz is also there for the staff at Hengoed she is approachable to talk to about anything she has helped me a lot when I got promoted to Team Leader in the home answering questions I would ask regarding medication as I was new to this as part of my role also giving me support with new ideas I had how the shift runs for support workers and team leaders, she was there for me when I had an accident at home one evening getting ready for a night shift and I came into work she helped me with little first aid that I couldn’t do for myself, Kaz is just non stop from the moment she comes into the time to leave the 12-hour shift.

Nominated by:
Yasmin Allum
Hengoed Park Residential Home