To help you keep up to date with the social care sector, we have summarized some of the key highlights from the week. You can download the summary here.
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A) CQC are rolling out the Emergency Support Framework
CQC have published a joint statement with ADASS this week on how they will work together. QCS have published a blog on the ESF and we will be publishing more information next week to support providers with their ESF conversations.
B) Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for care homes
The Government has announced a new care homes support package backed by a £600 million adult social care infection control fund. This has been introduced to tackle the spread of COVID-19 in care homes. This guidance provides information on the support package.
C) Coronavirus Testing
This week has seen changes to who can be tested for Coronavirus. Anyone over the age of 5 years old, with symptoms, can apply to be tested through the NHS website. Essential workers in England, Scotland or Northern Ireland, can apply for priority testing through GOV.UK by following the guidance on testing for essential workers below. Individuals can also get tested through this route if they have symptoms of coronavirus and live with an essential worker. The Government website has information on how to apply for a test, how care home providers apply for tests and how to apply for home testing kits. QCS have published a Factsheet on our website about this. QCS customers can access the fact sheet and an updated Swabbing Policy in their management system.
D) Changes to Recognised Symptoms
How do you know if you have Coronavirus? Until this week the Government Scientific advisors have stuck firmly to two symptoms as being an indication you may have or have COVID-19. These are a new, continuous cough and a fever. This week a new symptom has been added, following research, a loss of smell or taste. This is a new virus and information is emerging, it’s important you and your staff are aware of this additional symptom. QCS have updated all documentation including the Coronavirus Policies, Fact Sheets and Easy Reads.
E) Easing the Lockdown
With the Government announcing that England is potentially moving towards the second stage of the roadmap to lift restrictions step-by-step on 1st June, one of the challenges is how to return to work safely. This step by step guide is supported by the ‘COVID secure’ guidelines for employers. The practical steps that are required, by employers will require a great deal of thought as to how practically and safely they can be followed. We will be publishing guidance and support documentation on this shortly.