It is vital that your organisation has assessed the risks of its driving activities and has assessed driving as a significant risk to health and safety and has put into place effective controls to reduce the risk of incidents. When it comes to driving, we’re talking about making sure that any drivers you instruct to carry out work for you are trained and competent to do so, that they’re legally permitted to carry out that work driving activity, that the equipment and vehicles they are going to use are safe, they know what to do in an emergency and that if you provide the vehicle – it’s fit for purpose and adequately maintained.
Highlights include:
- Have you identified the risk of driving in your organisational? Ensure you carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment and identify the control measures you will implement
- Do you understand who is responsible for checks, servicing and testing of vehicles? Ensure you have detailed the arrangements in your health and safety policy, so employees are clear on their responsibilities in relation to driving
- Do your workers know what to do in a vehicle emergency?
Listen to the latest Health & Safety Podcast by Napthens H&S for free below!
You can listen to last month’s podcast on ‘Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls’ here