How to Engage with your Local Community | QCS

How to Engage with your Local Community

Dementia Care
January 6, 2022

Want to be a key part of your local community? Our expert, Laura Wood offers some tips for care providers that will also benefit staff too.

We all know that engaging with your local community has huge benefits to the people we support. However, community engagement can also bring huge benefits to your staff team too.

Employee engagement and motivation is increased when they are participating in community projects, and this can help build your team. Couple this with fundraising events and this can bring rewards to your service users and staff.

We all know that service users can benefit from a bake and sale for the local community or a care home open day so members of the public can see what you do and what services you offer. Many people often have an inaccurate vision of what a care home is and by opening your doors and inviting people in can really help break down the barriers and can also serve as a recruitment drive for potential new staff. This in turn can help staff feel proud about the work they do.

Involving your staff in fundraising activities will improve service user outcomes. How about organising a sports event for staff and service users? This could be a sponsored walk, or cycle. Or perhaps some service users would love to be involved in a sporting tournament?

Other innovative ideas may be to host a care home ball, dinner event or a summer garden party.

Whatever you may decide, do get your staff and service users involved in sharing ideas and leading on the project. Staff who have good knowledge on Dementia or Downs syndrome for example may wish to host a support group for members of the community. This can be a fantastic way of engaging with the community and encouraging your staff to develop.

It is really important to think about who you want to engage with, your audience as well as who is going to be affected or benefit from your idea or project? Remember your aims, audience, limitations and ultimately what you wish to achieve for the benefit of your service users and staff.


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