Now more than ever, Rachel Linfoot, as a Dental Practice Manager, recognises the need for a high-quality compliance system. A management system that allows her to keep up-to-date with the ever-changing Coronavirus guidance, and most importantly keep her staff and patients safe.
Last week, Rachel shared with us her impression navigating the system and her top 50 policies, this time Rachel is going talk to us how she utilises the ‘reading list’ function and how they can help you!
This week I focussed on reading lists, what they are, how they work and how they will benefit my team.
As I didn’t know how to set up a reading list and what it entailed, I looked in the QCS help centre for instructions on what to do.
The help centre provides very clear and easy to understand advice. I set up a reading list for team members and sent it to their email address with the option of setting a deadline for policies to be read.
You can assign the reading list by user, team or job title, and there is the option to select individuals, or send to all the team. I expect this will be great for updates on policies (especially during Covid-19 when things will change depending on the threat level).
I can see how I will find reading lists a very useful tool as I often need team members to read certain policies that may not be relevant to others. I also found that I was able to add custom policies and expert insights to the lists which will be so useful in team members reading hot topics and supporting their CPD.
Users who are assigned a reading list will receive a notification to advise them of the new task. The list will also appear on their reading list tile on their dashboard so it is so easy for the team to access this.
Overall, I am really impressed with the reading lists, I am sure I am not the only Practice Manager finding it difficult to keep on top of what each team member has read. The reading list approach offers a clear, measurable way of assigning policies and ensuring they are read and understood.
Now that my reading lists are set up, I feel relaxed in the knowledge that my team know what they need to read and I am free to focus on my other duties in the practice!