July 25, 2016
We asked a room full of people with learning disabilities, autism, and family carers…
“If you had a magic wand, what would your dream world look like for people with autism and/or LD and/or mental health needs?”
This is what they said:
People with learning disabilities should be listened to.
More worthwhile activities and opportunities to mix with peer group.
Immediate response when you contact someone.
A fantastically set up respite provision to enable all to have fun.
For people to have friends, things to do, places to go –
a busy, friendly, safe society for everyone.
More general community interaction. Initiatives to bring people together –sports/cinema etc.
Timely diagnosis and support that is person centred within strong, supportive communities.
Welcoming, accepting communities.
Equity and inclusion in everything.
A world where you don’t have to fight, every step of the way for your disabled child to get what everyone else takes for granted.
Recruitment processes that don’t discriminate.
More social places, and places to relax that don’t involve drinking and loud music.
Live independently, with the right support from professionals.
No bullying. No hate crime. No demonization. Life less complicated. Everyone nice to each other. Everyone tells the truth.
Local housing for independent living – near family home.
Easy read versions of all documents.
Having a safe place to go for help.
Being able to do things at your own pace and in your own time.
More job opportunities –get off benefits.
Everyone would feel like they could follow their dreams.
The first step is to see a will and commitment to stop cuts and reverse current inadequate policies.
What would you do?