QCS set to launch new podcast for registered managers | QCS

QCS set to launch new podcast for registered managers

Dementia Care
February 28, 2022

Meet Abi Spence, the voice behind our new monthly podcast aimed to help individuals that want to become registered managers or providers.

How are we feeling?

Overwhelmed. That is a word I have heard an awful lot over the pandemic. If it wasn’t enough that the slices of life had already made a hearty wedge, our current situation has taken it to an all-new level.

Daring to care

There are many people, despite these levels of pressure that are still looking to care for others in so many different ways. One of which is applying to register a health or care business with the CQC.

Navigating the process

In pursuing this ambition, the word overwhelming may well have popped into your head again. Trying to navigate getting your application right as a hopeful registered manager or provider.

We get it!

Here at QCS we get that. We get that a pile of documents can be as hard as sitting back at school with the teacher you just didn’t get. Trying to figure out if you have what it takes to make this work.

Join me

So, you may want to join me in my series, ’Inspection, Inside Out’ where I de-mystify the process in a way that will help you decide whether it’s right for you.

What’s it about?

In series one, I am looking at the role of the Registered Manager with CQC. What the law says you need and what it actually means in practice.

Episode One

You can catch episode 1, with me Abi Spence, on 1 March where we look at what good character means to CQC. We look forward to you joining our space for an uplifting look at registration…. The overwhelming made manageable!


Listen to the podcast here!



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Abi Spence

Registration and Inspection Specialist


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