Safe Places is a national scheme. Its logo means “safe place” in widget symbols.
This means it is recognisable by people with a learning disability. However, the scheme can help anybody who is out in the community but feeling anxious, lost, or harassed or bullied in some way.
If they feel like this, people can go to a shop or community centre that has the Safe Places logo in the window to seek help.
People can carry a contact card, which will tell people at the Safe Place who to get in touch with.
The role of the Safe Place is to contact the phone number on the card, and then keep the person safe until a trusted supporter or family member comes and takes them from the safe place to either their home or a place where they can receive support.
If someone has not got a contact card the Safe Place can still help. They will contact the non-emergency police number or local social care services.
My Life My Choice member Pam says that she has been a victim of hate crime – “I was chased through the town centre by two girls. I think Safe Places is a good idea because it means people have a safe place to go to if something like this happens to them.”