How do you feel about comparisons?
My daughter’s face is screwed up tight. Her big blue eyes have almost vanished.
Comparing kids
I’ve made the mistake of comparing her to her brother. How he has managed to not completely cover his face in chocolate whilst eating cake, and she has managed to look like she has bathed in it.
I shouldn’t have done it. It was unfair…but are there times when pointing out someone else’s success as a model is a good thing? Well CQC think so!
CQC Case studies
CQC have launched a set of case studies from Providers who have found themselves on the wrong side of the ratings, and have since made huge strides to improve.
There are 4 publications each giving case studies on;
- Adult Social Care
- Mental Health Trusts
- NHS Trusts
- GPs
It’s a good read
It’s a really good read, and it helps enormously that these are real providers talking about their services. I was struck by Agincare UK Surrey who are a domiciliary care agency that provides personal care to around 85 people in their own homes. In January 2017, an CQC inspection resulted in a rating of inadequate, June 2017 rated the services as requires improvement, and in January 2018 the inspection rating was ‘good’.
Open and honest
The experiences of the service and its new manager is a real ‘hands up’ about past failings and their path to improvement, from taking on less work to ensure clients calls were delivered, staff were supported and a clear audit to reduce incidents. ‘Bev’s Top tips’ will be helpful to view.
We aren’t all out of the same mould
Let’s not forget one size does not fit all (as I discovered once when I tried on my husband’s size 13 shoes!). The dynamics of your service will be different, but the basics are the same.
So you want to drive improvement? Tips on what will help…
So before you reach for the phone book (if anyone still has one) and break open a consultant – here are some helpful tips:
- Read the case studies they will give you hope!
- Check the CQC website or similar services that are rated good and outstanding – read the reports and take some notes. You may even want to contact them
- Tap into the QCS resources of policies procedures and expert insights.
I’ve learnt not to make comparisons, we are all unique…but we can definitely take some tips from others to improve!